Saturday, January 28, 2012

Drowsy driver Xenia Death Allegedly
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Up to now the cause of deadly accident bernopol Xenia B 2479 XI on Sunday (1/22/2012) is still confusing. Provisional estimates, Aprianti Susanti (29), the driver who has been named as a suspect, the sleepy.

"For the time being anyway, presumably suspects sleepy. His name was exhausted staying up Tarus got air conditioning, so yes once," explained visible Gakum Directorate of Jakarta Police Traffic Unit AKBP Sudharmanto Then Laka Metro Jaya Police, Jewel, South Jakarta, Sunday (22 / 1 / 2012).
Sudharmanto said the allegation was based on the information obtained from three witnesses who also co-victims in the car Daihatsu Xenia. This differs from the description of the suspect who claimed he was driving the car suffered from tension brake.

In fact, as has been reported previously, the officer had checked the brakes the car driven by suspects, and the brakes work properly.

Apart from having to account for perbuatanya, the suspect also had to deal with car owners.
Because the cars are crushed and wrecked condition it is a car loan. Currently the police are still contacting the owner of the car for questioning.

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