Thursday, March 15, 2012

Grief in Cemetery Photo Model Olivia Dewi accompanied the funeral of a teen model Olivia Dewi, 17, in San Diego Hills. Family and friends Olivia could not stop crying tears departure Cover Girl model of dropout in 2010.

Once inside the blue tent that had been prepared for the mourners, thick felt grief. Olivia's family took pictures of each girl born January 16, 1995 were in their arms.

Before the funeral conducted, carried out mass first. Audible sobs in the quiet atmosphere. A middle aged woman, continued to stare at the coffin toward Olivia. He wept as he called the name of the model teenager who died in a car accident on Saturday morning and then that.

Stepmother Olivia, Natalie Margaret also was devastated by the death of his daughter. He could not help but sadly when laying flowers on the coffin Olivia. He was to be carried by some of his relatives so as not to fall.

On that occasion, Natalie tells her grief. He claimed to have not been hugged and kissed Olivia for the last time. Natalie also asked that all parties to forgive the mistakes of Olivia during her lifetime.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Photo Apriani Susanti The Xenia Car Driver Accident
Apriani Susanti  Photos
Apriani Susanti  Photos
Apriani Susanti  Photos
Apriani Susanti  Photos
Apriani Susanti  Photos
Apriani Susanti  Photos

Drowsy driver Xenia Death Allegedly
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Up to now the cause of deadly accident bernopol Xenia B 2479 XI on Sunday (1/22/2012) is still confusing. Provisional estimates, Aprianti Susanti (29), the driver who has been named as a suspect, the sleepy.

"For the time being anyway, presumably suspects sleepy. His name was exhausted staying up Tarus got air conditioning, so yes once," explained visible Gakum Directorate of Jakarta Police Traffic Unit AKBP Sudharmanto Then Laka Metro Jaya Police, Jewel, South Jakarta, Sunday (22 / 1 / 2012).
Sudharmanto said the allegation was based on the information obtained from three witnesses who also co-victims in the car Daihatsu Xenia. This differs from the description of the suspect who claimed he was driving the car suffered from tension brake.

In fact, as has been reported previously, the officer had checked the brakes the car driven by suspects, and the brakes work properly.

Apart from having to account for perbuatanya, the suspect also had to deal with car owners.
Because the cars are crushed and wrecked condition it is a car loan. Currently the police are still contacting the owner of the car for questioning.

Five irregularities Xenia Death Case - It's nine people killed in a pedestrian vs. Xenia tragedy near Tugu Tani, Central Jakarta, yesterday. Afriyani Susanti (29) directly named as a suspect by police for being negligent, can not drive a car properly.

Whamm! With a speed of 100 km / h, Xenia was crashing black people who had just returned from a jog in the Monas. The results of urine tests show if Afriyani had used ecstasy, marijuana, methamphetamine, and downing Miras.

Police held a press conference to explain this case in the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters. Hotel Borobudur party had already made ​​a formal statement for outstanding photo Apriani and his friends allegedly having a party drug.

Still there are irregularities of the information given the police and the Hotel Borobudur related this incident. Here are the things that block it:

1. Shortly after the incident Afriyani not look shocked or surprised. He looks 'cool' to play his cell phone as if to communicate or send a message to others.

2. Police said initial press conference Hotel Borobudur. But after the news conference, police said the last place visited Afriyani cs is a hotel in Senayan.

3. Hotel Borobudur deny 'party drugs' in its place. Afriyani only attend his friend's wedding at 10.00 am before the tragedy happened. But the clothes worn Afriyani same time the party when the accident occurred, superiors and subordinates patterned blue and white.

4. Wedding reception at Hotel Borobudur began at 10.00 am. Though supposedly a wedding reception typically in hotels starting at 11.00 am or at night.

5. When accidents happen, Afriyani not bring Xenia car's license and registration. Police also did not provide a clear description of who the owner of the vehicle with plate number B 2479 XI.